On the way to Monrovia,

It has been a while since I wrote on a regular basis.  I hope to be able to write reguarly over the next month.  i will send out regular letters as long as there is internet access.  As you are aware from my last messages I was to go to Cooper Hospital in Monrovia, then do to a couple staff members contacting Ebola, the hospital was closed for about a month. During this time i did the CDC training on Ebola in anniston Alabama.  At the end of the training i was able to go to the end of the Global health conference at Loma linda University.  there I was able to meet with Dr Gillian Seton and Dr James Appel. They had recently come from Cooper.  The hospital reopened and Dr. Seton returned to provide surgical care.  After reopening, there was a slow progress back to surgical care at the hospital.  There is now need for more surgical and medical help at the hospital.
Audrey and I took my initial decision to go and help with much thought and prayer.  And with more prayer we have decided that I should go and volunteer there now.  Audrey and I decided it would be best to not put both of us at risk, so I go alone.  It’s not really what either of us want, as we work better as a team!
I had an early flight, so we stayed overnight near the airport.  I fly across the US then on to Brussels and to Monrovia, Liberia.  i think it will be about 30 hours before I land.
I pray that the people that Dr. Seton and I can help, will come to the hospital, and that Jesus give us wisdom to treat each one in a way that will help them heal and to know Him.  Please remember Audrey in your prayers as well.

Liberia #5

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