Thursday, March 17, 2011
I Am In Awe of His Protection
As I sit here in my bedroom tonight after a long hard day of work, I am contemplating how my life has been here in Africa. I suddenly realize how precious my life really is… You never know what devastations could possibly happen to you any moment (Thinking of Japan, Haiti, and New Zealand especially).
Several days ago I was taking a trip to Maoura to accompany a friend and to meet up with another. I spent a great HOT day in the Market as well as walking from place to place. I was finally ready to go home. Like always, I got my ticket for the Mokolo Express bus. This bus is the 1 ½ hour transportation from Maoura to Mokolo, after which I take another 45 min Mototaxi ride from Mokolo to Koza, my home village. As we were driving with a small bus packed full of way more people then would be required in America, I feel us turning off on the side of the road. Looking around to see what all the commotion is about, I finally see the problem. The front of another Mokolo Express bus (probably the one that left before us) had exploded and all the civilians were stranded outside. The explosion completely ruined the bus, but luckily all were safe. Sitting in the back seat of my bus, I starting thinking. If I had come 5 minutes earlier to the bus station, I would have been on that bus. How amazing is it when we go through life not thinking of how much God is protecting us from the disaster that take place around us. And when, like so many innocent people have experienced, disasters hits our very homes, the Lord promises a way out. He promises that everything will “work together for good to those who love the Lord” (Rom 8:28).
There was a nurse recently at the hospital who was in a head on collision with another civilian… I could have been that nurse. A village near me was recently pillaged… I could have been in that village. There was a boy at the hospital who had a pot of boiling water fall on him, leaving nothing but a thin layer of skin over his tiny body… I could have been that boy. The point I’m trying to make is this. I am one person no better from another, but the Lord God shows mercy and grace. He sees every obstacle around us, and strategically maneuvers us in a perfect way so we can learn and grow through each experience. If you are sitting here thinking that God has not given you an exiting life or nothing has befallen to you to make you cling to Jesus, well think again… God is working tremendously to keep you protected, even right now! I need to switch my thinking from “why hasn’t God done something powerful in my life” to “God has been an incredible protector and healer in my life and has preserved me for a special purpose”. There is a reason why God puts me in certain situations and doesn’t allow me to go through others… I praise Him for that tonight?

Apologies for not posting on my blog lately. I had two very fun people come visit me all the way from Buea. Cherilyn and Moriah are missionaries who are working for the Buea SDA hospital. They traveled three days just to come to Koza (I warned them that it might not be worth it). I have been talking to Cherilyn online since before my arrival here in Koza. She lives about an hour from my house in Oregon. Her and Moriah are going through the Union College Student Missions program. The only thing I knew about her was that my family was familiar with hers, and she was going to be in the same country as me doing mission work at this same time. The crazy thing is that we met each other face to face for the first time… on the other side of the world! I have been truly blessed to have had their lovely white faces here in Koza and to have experienced so many adventures with them. Thank you, girls, for being apart of my life and for encouraging me as we are now finishing our last three months in Africa. Hashia!(or however you say it).
I have been moving up in the hospital. Ganava has left for three days to Maoura so I am the main nurse from 8-10 in the morning and also the main anesthesiologist during surgery. It has been exciting and a huge adrenaline boost knowing that I have patients lives in my hands and they need to come to me for help. My French is definitely getting stronger and hopefully I can perfect it when I go back to America. I have come down with a slight cold recently. When it started about a week ago, I quickly got medicine… unfortunately there is no such thing as medicine for congestion so I have settled with taking medicine for my cough, and doing natural remedies for the rest. It’s the way to go! The girls from Limbe have been trying my patience, but I am slowly learning that I don’t need to argue when someone else wants to argue (that is hard for me?). “God, give me Holy Spirit power as I try to live my life by example. Help me, in every situation, to call upon your name. Make me a servant and help me to be willing to reach out to those in need. My life is blessed more than I can even imagine… YOU ALONE ARE GOD!”
Posted by Elissa

Letter from Student missionary in Koza #18

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