Shanksteps 113
So how does a country run out of one of its most important medicines? There is a national shortage of Quinine, probably the most important medicine in countries with malaria. We have tried to order it for the last two months and have not been able to get it in the usual government places to purchase medications. They do not have it. We have been forced to get it on the “Black market” to continue supplying our patients with needed medications. These prices are usually 2-3 times higher than normal.
And now the “Black market” is run out too.
This came about apparently because there were many who were taking the medicines from the government stock area and then selling them in the capital on the street. Recently the Director of the Department of Health issued an order to round up all these medications and burn them in the marketplace. This was done and now there is none in the government stock neither in the market.
We have seen severe anemia these past few months. Have transfused more than 150 persons, and are now extremely low on Quinine intravenous. There is also a national shortage of the oral form also.
So what do we do when we run out? We are praying now that that will not happen and when it does we will keep on praying. Maybe God will have His hospital one where people find only miraculous healing and medications become unnecessary. I would love to have faith like that. Unfortunately that was not something that is taught at Loma Linda School of Medicine. So as we get extremely low on our most critical medicines, please keep us in your prayers; that we find the medicine necessary; and that
when we cannot, that God gives us the faith to trust more in Him and ask for the unbelievable. In His Service, Shanks

Shanksteps 113

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