Dear Family and Friends,
This is a different letter than the past. Today is
Sabbath (Saturday). For those of you who are unaware,
it is the day of rest and communion with God for our
church. A time spent with God and family, with a goal
of drawing closer to God. Today has been very
difficult for me and I, for some reason, feel the need
to share the difficulty.
I am a surgeon; I love surgery and the art of
medicine within the surgical realm. As you have seen
from my past letters I do much more than just surgery.
I feel that surgery is enough for me and it is my
interest. But being here I am the director of the
hospital, surgeon, family practitioner, gynecologist,
respiratory therapist, physical therapist, chief
nurse, and chief of lab, of grounds…and on a larger
scale, a representative of our global church to our
hospital in Northern Cameroon. So being the Director
is not something I’m trained in or have a real
interest in doing. I was well aware that it would be
part of my job here before I came. However having not
been trained in it did not know all that is entailed
in it. (though when God chose our location, I would
not have changed anything). I have a good
administrator who takes care of many problems but
there are still ones that come I need to deal with.
It seems like since I’ve been back that there has been
no lack of problems for me to deal with. This last
week dealing with personnel problems is very tiring
and difficult, and not something I am very good at or
experienced in.
Today as it is Sabbath, and the day I attend church,
I went to church. However the problems of the week
follow me wherever I go. They intrude my thoughts as
I worship God, as I pray, as I work at home or at the
hospital, as I do surgery. Today was like no other in
that regard. At church ,at home, as I read my
uplifting book, these thoughts enter. And questions
start. What decision should be made? What’s best for
the hospital? What will be the workers reactions?
When will I not feel all alone? When will the strife
end? When I awake in the middle of the night, they
start again. When I’m called into the hospital the
same! What would God do in this case? Is there
anything in the Bible that addresses a similar issue?
Then so many are unclear still and I struggle what
should be done.
I am very fortunate to have a woman of God as a wife.
Today she suggested we pray together and ask for Gods
wisdom. No lightning bolt of wisdom hit us but peace
is there. We need to continue turning things over to
Him. This is His hospital, regardless of whether or
not the workers are working for Him or their wallets
or their status.
I guess what I really want and need is an incredible
love for the people. It’s hard to love people who are
difficult. It’s easy to love those who love and
respect us. Very hard to love and minister to those
who do not.
So today and every day that you remember, please pray
for us! Pray that we have understanding, wisdom to
deal with all the situations we are not used to and to
show Gods love even though we do not feel it. Also
that God’s love be put in our hearts that we can do
His will, follow His plan, minister as He would
minister, practice medicine and surgery as He would
practice it, direct the hospital as He would direct
it. Have patience when needed, have tact and firmness
when needed. But most of all as in 1 Corinthians 13
have love! Please pray for us to have LOVE! Please
add us to your prayer chains and your family worships.
We appreciate all that are already praying for and
supporting us. God bless each one of you. God’s
servant, Greg

Cameroon #45

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