There are six weeks left of time here in Cameroon. Each day is filled with the usual complex patients at the hospital. Inpatient rounds, outpatients, surgeries, and periodic calls at night. The evenings are spent with Audrey and Sarah, often packing a few boxes, in preparation for shipping things back. Time seems to be passing quickly.

We are anxious about where we will work in the future. Anxious about who will come to cover the work here. Will the hospital fall again, as it had before we arrived? We have not yet heard of anyone willing or interested in coming! What lies ahead for us? What lies ahead for this hospital?

I spend periodic nights awake, mulling over things in my mind. I know we need to be back in the US, but there are so many uncertainties. We give the responsibility for the different things we have done to others as it is possible. I pray for Yves often (our administrator) who has been through many tough periods at the hospital. He is a missionary from the Southern part of Cameroon.

Life continues as it has for the past five years. But in the back of all our minds there are concerns for the future here and in the US. This is especially easy if we let ourselves focus on us! When we focus on God and His faithfulness, all worries diminish.

God has demonstrated He loves us. His ultimate sacrifice on the cross demonstrates that very clearly. If the God of our universe loves me, is interested in my life, is interested in this hospital and the lives of it’s workers; then I can sleep at night, knowing that He is in control if I allow Him to be in my life. He is in control of the hospital if He is allowed to be. And who better to be in control than our: all knowing, all understanding, all loving, compassionate God!

When I focus on Him, and not myself, I sleep, and am content in knowing that He is in charge, and despite of my inability to see my future or the future of the hospital, He IS love. And when I allow Him to take charge, He will do what is best for me, best for my future, best for my learning more about Him. Praise Him! Greg

Shanksteps #163

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